Monday 25 March 2013

[INTERVIEW] DAESUNG'S D'SCOVERY on Josei Jishin magazine - V.I

DAESUNG'S D'SCOVERY OF VI-san on Josei Jishin

This time we'll talk about our best maknae, VI.

My impression of him during his trainee years was that he's good at singing and dancing and has a good personality. I always thought that he was a good person to be with because he has aegyo(cuteness) *Laughs* VI has an image that always seems to grow.

I can definitely say that his ability to absorb in new stuff like foreign cultures are amazing. Among those, his Japanese improved really quickly so I was very surprised. VI always has a vocab note and studies hard and I've never seen him work that hard so it was very unexpected of him. I'm sure that's how other members feel about him as well.

When VI San is on Japanese variety programs, we always check all of the shows he's in and we ask him "I saw you, was it fun?" and we always support him. He's very trustworthy because he can speak Japanese fluently with famous Japanese celebrities.

He's also studying English right now. He's a very hard worker but people don't seem to realize it. Most of all, I am very envious of his enjoyable learning method. That's how he learns everything so quickly! I am a type of person who gets stressed out when studying so I want to learn from him.

Ah- but VI is so loud when we're in the waiting room or dressing room. It's so embarrassing. *Laughs* For 7 years we've been with him but every time he prepares a solo live show we can't help but laugh at him. It's funny and makes us embarrassed (jokingly) he's great, right? (smiles)

Source: Josei Jishin Magazine
Translated by BIGBANGGisVIP
Shared by YGFAN25 @ bigbangupdate

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